# Typescript template for Bitburner's Remote File API The official template for synchronizing Typescript/Javascript from your computer to the game. [Step by step install](BeginnersGuide.md) [Docker install guide](DockerGuide.md) (optional) [Learn more about Typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/) ## About This template uses the Typescript compiler and the Remote File API system to synchronize Typescript to your game. Due to the usage of the RFA system, it works with Web and Electron (Steam) versions of the game. ## Prerequisites [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) is needed for compiling typescript and installing dependencies. [See here for step by step installation](BeginnersGuide.md) if you'd like help with installing Node and/or connecting to the game. Alternatively see [Docker install guide](DockerGuide.md) (optional) that installs nodejs and the Remote File API in an isolated container. ## Quick start Download the template to your computer and install everything it requires: ``` git clone https://github.com/bitburner-official/typescript-template cd typescript-template npm i ``` ### How to use this template Write all your typescript source code in the `/src` directory To autocompile and send changed files as you save, run `npm run watch` in a terminal. Have it running in the background so that it all happens automatically. For Bitburner to receive any files, you need to enter the port `npm run watch` logs to the terminal in the Remote API section of the game settings, and press the connect button. [See here for step by step installation](BeginnersGuide.md) if you'd like help with installing Node and/or connecting to the game. Alternatively see [Docker install guide](DockerGuide.md) (optional) that installs nodejs and the Remote File API in an isolated container. ## Advanced ### Imports To ensure both the game and typescript have no issues with import paths, your import statements should follow a few formatting rules: - Paths must be absolute from the root of `src/`, which will be equivalent to the root directory of your home drive - Paths must contain no leading slash - Paths must end with no file extension #### Examples: To import `helperFunction` from the file `helpers.ts` located in the directory `src/lib/`: ```js import { helperFunction } from "lib/helpers"; ``` To import all functions from the file `helpers.ts` located in the `src/lib/` directory as the namespace `helpers`: ```js import * as helpers from "lib/helpers"; ``` To import `someFunction` from the file `main.ts` located in the `src/` directory: ```js import { someFunction } from "main"; ``` ### Debugging For debugging bitburner on Steam you will need to enable a remote debugging port. This can be done by rightclicking bitburner in your Steam library and selecting properties. There you need to add `--remote-debugging-port=9222` [Thanks @DarkMio] ### Using React Some `ns` functions, like [`ns.printRaw()`](https://github.com/bitburner-official/bitburner-src/blob/dev/markdown/bitburner.ns.printraw.md) allows you to render React components into the game interface. The game already exposes the `React` and `ReactDOM` objects globally, but in order to work with strongly typed versions in `.ts` files, you can use the included typings. To do this, use the following import: `import React, { ReactDOM } from '@react'` Support for jsx is also included, so if you use the `.tsx` file ending, you can do something like: ```ts import { NS } from '@ns'; import React from '@react'; interface IMyContentProps { name: string } const MyContent = ({name}: IMyContentProps) => Hello {name}; export default async function main(ns: NS){ ns.printRaw(); } ```