Can disassemble chair

Ashelyn Dawn 4 years ago
parent d1dedc1fc2
commit 7523173d8a

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default [
// require('./unlockDoor'),

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Largest of the medical bay equipment, the CO<sub>2</sub> filter looks sort of
like a large air conditioning unit. It is currently switched off.
`, 'medbay')
filter.aliases = ['co2 filter', 'co2', 'life support']
filter.aliases = ['co2 filter', 'co2', 'life support', 'scrubber']
filter.printableName = 'CO<sub>2</sub> filter'

@ -260,3 +260,86 @@ rules.onBeforeCommand(command => {
if(currentPhase >= Phase.examinedMainframe)
throw new Error(`You won't be able to repair the mainframe's control system without the replacement capacitor from the comms room.`)
* Hint for examining door
rules.onAfterCommand(command => {
if(!((( === 'lookAt' || === 'openDoor')) && (command.subject?.name === 'med door' || command.subject?.name === 'cabin door')))
const currentPhase = game.getProperty('gamePhase')
if(Phase.examinedMainframe <= currentPhase && currentPhase < Phase.examinedDoor)
game.setProperty('gamePhase', Phase.examinedDoor)
* Hint for examining chair
rules.onAfterCommand(command => {
if(!( === 'lookAt' && command.subject?.name === 'chair'))
const currentPhase = game.getProperty('gamePhase')
if(Phase.examinedMainframe <= currentPhase && currentPhase < Phase.examinedChair){
game.setProperty('gamePhase', Phase.examinedChair)
* Taking apart chair
rules.onBeforeCommand(command => {
if( !== 'take apart' || command.subject?.name !== 'chair') return
const wrench = game.findObjectByName('wrench', ObjectType.Item) as Draft<Item>
if(wrench?.location !== 'inventory')
throw new Error(`You do not have the proper tools to take this apart.`)
const currentPhase = game.getProperty('gamePhase')
if(currentPhase < Phase.fixedLifeSupport)
throw new Error(`You should take care of the CO<sub>2</sub> scrubber before you get distracted taking things apart.`)
if(currentPhase < Phase.destroyedChair){
game.say(`The chair's center leg should give you enough leverage to force open the security door, but as you finish taking it apart you remember something that bothers you: if you're not mistaken, that regulator board was brand new. Even when they've gone bad in the past you've usually been able to get a good week or two of use out of them before they failed completely, so seeing one fail this early is definitely unusual.`)
game.say(`You can't remember for sure if that board was replaced in the last refit though, and you'd have to check the work log Wren gave you to be sure. You try to push that idea aside for now - no sense in worrying about it now.`)
} else {
game.say(`Twisting the bolts out of place, you are soon left with one long metal rod, and a small pile of miscelaneous pieces.`)
game.setProperty('gamePhase', Phase.destroyedChair)
game.addItem('chair leg', 'A sturdy, curved piece of metal about a meter and a half long.', 'inventory')
const chair = game.findObjectByName('chair', ObjectType.Item) as Draft<Item>
chair.location = 'bridge'
chair.description += `\n\nHopefully you won't have to destroy this one.`
chair.lastKnownLocation = undefined
game.say(`(You place the chair leg in your inventory)`)
throw new Error()
* Prevent going back up if chair is not in docking room
rules.onBeforeCommand(command => {
if( !== 'go' || command.subject?.name !== 'up' || game.getCurrentRoom()?.name !== 'docking')
const chair = game.findObjectByName('chair', ObjectType.Item) as Draft<Item>
if(chair.location === 'inventory'){
game.say(`(First putting the chair down)`)
chair.location = game.getCurrentRoom()!.name
if(chair.location !== game.getCurrentRoom()!.name) {
throw new Error(`You cannot reach the hole in the ceiling - you might need to find something to stand on.`)
game.say(`Climbing on the chair, you just barely manage to reach up to the hole in the ceiling.`)

@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ rules.onAfterCommand(command => {
const mainframe = game.findObjectByName('mainframe', ObjectType.Item) as Draft<Item>
mainframe.description = mainframe.description?.replace(/Of course.*/, `While the bulk of the mainframe is still there, you've currently taken apart the engine control systems. Looks like there's a faulty capacitor in the engine regulator board, and you'll have to get a replacement from the comms room locker.`)
game.createProperty('examinedMainframe', true)
game.say(`At first glance the mainframe is working as expected - you can bring up the internal atmospheric readings, the operation logs, and anything else that doesn't need engine power. The mainframe even kindly informs you there was some sort of anomalous power output from the engine before it cut from hyperjump, but when you try to bring the engine back online you hear a loud ***pop*** from behind the terminal and start to smell smoke.`)
