import React, {useState} from 'react' import router from 'next/router' import {DateTime} from 'luxon' import {Icon} from '@rmwc/icon' import {Button} from '@rmwc/button' import ActionBar from '~/components/admin/actionBar' import Table from '~/components/table' Coupons.getInitialProps = async ({ctx}) => { const {data: coupons} = await ctx.axios.get('/api/coupons') return {coupons} } export default function Coupons({coupons}) { return ( <> coupon.code}, {name: 'Valid Until', extractor: coupon => DateTime.fromISO(coupon.valid_until).setZone('local').toFormat('LLL dd, yyyy')}, {name: 'Free Shipping', extractor: coupon => coupon.free_shipping ? : null}, {name: 'Number of Allowed Uses', extractor: coupon => coupon.number_allowed_uses}, {name: 'Discount Type', extractor: coupon => getDiscount(coupon).type}, {name: 'Discount Value', extractor: coupon => getDiscount(coupon).value} ]} // Map in an id property so the table can use rows={ => ({id: coupon.uuid,}))} /> ) } function getDiscount(coupon) { if(coupon.flat_discount_cents) return {type: 'Flat discount', value: formatMoney(parseInt(coupon.flat_discount_cents, 10))} if(coupon.percent_discount) return {type: 'Percent discount', value: coupon.percent_discount + '%'} if(coupon.per_sock_discount_cents) return {type: 'Per sock discount', value: formatMoney(parseInt(coupon.per_sock_discount_cents, 10))} if(coupon.number_of_socks_free) return {type: 'Free socks', value: coupon.number_of_socks_free + ` pair${coupon.number_of_socks_free !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`} return {type: 'No Discount', value: null} } const formatMoney = money => { if (money === undefined || money === null) return null; return '$' + (money / 100).toFixed(2) }