You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import {DateTime} from 'luxon'
import Link from 'next/link'
import {Button, FormController} from '~/components/form'
import useUser from '~/hooks/useUser'
import redirect from '~/utils/redirectGetInitialProps'
ConfirmEmail.getInitialProps = async ({ctx, user}) => {
const {axios} = ctx
const {data: links} = await axios.get('/api/email/links')
return redirect(ctx, 302, '/login')
return redirect(ctx, 302, '/account')
return {links}
export default function ConfirmEmail({links}) {
const user = useUser()
const lastLink = getLastLinkTime(links)
return (
<h2>Confirm Email Address</h2>
In order to make use of account related features, we require you to
confirm your email address.
{lastLink ? (
We last sent an email to <strong>{}</strong> at:
<p style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
{lastLink.time_created.toFormat('LLLL dd, h:mm a')}
<em>This email will be valid until {'LLLL dd, h:mm a')}</em>
If you haven't received it yet, please be patient. Emails can take several
minutes to be delivered, and depending on your email provider may also
be subject to additional scans or verification before it shows up in
your inbox.
Also, be sure to check your spam or junk folders - registration email
like the one we sent can occasionally be caught in those.
If you've waited a few minutes, and you're sure it won't arrive, you can
click the button below to send another one. If you still have issues,
please feel free to <Link href="/contact"><a>contact us</a></Link>.
<FormController url="/api/email" afterSubmit={() => window.location.reload()}>
<Button type="submit">Resend Email</Button>
) : (
Click the button below to send a confirmation email.
<FormController url="/api/email" afterSubmit={() => window.location.reload()}>
<Button type="submit">Resend Email</Button>
function getLastLinkTime(links) {
if(links.length < 1)
return null;
let lastLink = links[0]
lastLink.time_created = DateTime.fromISO(lastLink.time_created)
for(const current of links){
current.time_created = DateTime.fromISO(current.time_created)
if(current.time_created.diff(lastLink.time_created).as('seconds') > 0)
lastLink = current;
return lastLink