You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import {DateTime} from 'luxon'
import Router from 'next/router'
import Table from '~/components/table'
import useUser from '~/hooks/useUser'
import redirect from '~/utils/redirectGetInitialProps'
AccountPage.getInitialProps = async function({ctx, user}) {
const {axios} = ctx;
return redirect(ctx, 302, '/login')
return redirect(ctx, 302, '/account/email/confirm')
const {data} = await axios.get(`/api/orders`)
return {orders: data.sort(sortOrders)}
export default function AccountPage({orders}) {
const user = useUser()
return (
{/* TODO: Red is kind of intimidating. Should we change this to a yellow or blue info style? */}
{!user.email_confirmed && (
<p className="warning">
<strong style={{display:'inline-block', marginBottom: 8}}>Confirm your email address</strong>
<br/>Confirming your email address allows it to be used for password recovery. <button className="buttonLink">Confirm email address</button>
<h3>Email and Password</h3>
<div style={{maxWidth: 700, margin: '0 auto'}}>
<p><strong>Email:</strong> {} <button className="buttonLink">Change</button></p>
{/* TODO: Store date password was set so we can show "Set on [date]"? */}
<p><strong>Password:</strong> {!user.password_hash ? 'Unset' : <>Set. <button className="buttonLink">Change</button></>}</p>
<h3>Your Orders</h3>
{name: 'Purchased', extractor: getPurchaseTime},
{name: 'Items', extractor: getNumberItems},
{name: 'Item Price', extractor: getItemPrice},
{name: 'Shipping', extractor: getShippingEstimate},
{name: 'Total', extractor: getAmountPaid},
{name: '', extractor: order =>
<button className="buttonLink" onClick={() => Router.push(`/account/orders/${order.uuid}`)}>Details</button>
function getPurchaseTime(order){
const mostRecentTransaction = order.transactions.sort(sortTransactions)[0]
const time = parsePaymentTime(mostRecentTransaction)
return time.setZone('local').toFormat('LLLL dd, h:mm a')
function getNumberItems(order){
return => => item.count)
function getItemPrice(order){
return formatMoney( => transaction.item_total_price)
function getShippingEstimate(order){
return formatMoney( => transaction.shipping_price)
function getAmountPaid(order){
return formatMoney({payments}) => => payment.value_cents))
function parsePaymentTime({payments}){
for(const payment of payments) {
if(typeof payment.time === 'string')
payment.time = DateTime.fromISO(payment.time)
payments.sort((a,b) => b.time.diff(a.time))
return payments[0].time
function sortTransactions(a,b){
const timeA = parsePaymentTime(a)
const timeB = parsePaymentTime(b)
return timeB.diff(timeA).as('seconds')
function sortOrders(a,b){
const timePaidA = parsePaymentTime(a.transactions.sort(sortTransactions)[0])
const timePaidB = parsePaymentTime(b.transactions.sort(sortTransactions)[0])
return timePaidB.diff(timePaidA).as('seconds')
const formatMoney = money => {
if (money === undefined || money === null) return null;
return '$' + (money / 100).toFixed(2)