{ "pluralkit": "aypoe", "members": [{ "name": "rose", "mainPronouns": "they/them", "avatarUrl": "https://placekitten.com/200/200", "bioShort": "web developer and system administrator, i'm the part of us that spends most of my time online and maintains our technical infrastructure", "readMore": "read my docs", "color": "#df5c87" },{ "name": "Dawn", "mainPronouns": "she/her", "avatarUrl": "https://placekitten.com/200/200", "bioShort": "As our artist, our performer, and our orator I'm the one of us who maintains in-person relationships and makes sure we care for each other", "readMore": "Ask me more", "color": "#9495b5" },{ "name": "echo", "mainPronouns": "it/its", "avatarUrl": "https://placekitten.com/200/200", "bioShort": "hi! i'm the one who catalogues and digs through our understanding of the outside world. also i don't talk much", "readMore": "see the archive", "color": "#67d4b3" }] }