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"pluralkit": "aypoe",
"members": [{
"name": "rose",
"featured": true,
"mainPronouns": "they/them",
"bioShort": "web developer and system administrator, i'm the part of us that spends most of my time online and maintains our technical infrastructure",
"readMore": "read my docs",
"bioContinued": "it's become my responsibility to get and hold down a job for us, although when i have spare energy from that i like to work on coding, websites, and other technical persuits\n\npersonality-wise i've been told i can be a bit brash — i think i'm more of a tease but it is what it is",
"color": "#df5c87",
"bioFields": [
{"name": "names:", "value": "rose, rosalyn, occasionally callista"},
{"name": "pronouns:", "value": "they/them. very occasionally she/her but i'm not usually in the mood"},
{"name": "orientation:", "value": "the hell if i know"}
"name": "Dawn",
"featured": true,
"mainPronouns": "she/her",
"bioShort": "As our artist, our performer, and our orator I'm the one of us who maintains in-person relationships and makes sure we care for each other",
"bioContinued": "Historically I was also the system member responsible for masking the others, but that isn't a role I take as often these days\n\nIf we speak in person, I'm probably involved at some point in that conversation",
"readMore": "Ask me more",
"color": "#9495b5",
"bioFields": [
{"name": "Names:", "value": "Dawn. Perhaps \"Ashelyn Dawn\" if you're feeling fancy"},
{"name": "Pronouns:", "value": "She/her, no exceptions"},
{"name": "Orientation:", "value": "Asexual, polyromantic lesbian"}
"name": "echo",
"mainPronouns": "it/its",
"bioShort": "hi! echo is the one who catalogues and digs through our understanding of the outside world\n\nfavors speaking in third person",
"bioContinued": "",
"readMore": "see the archive",
"color": "#67d4b3",
"bioFields": [
{"name": "name:", "value": "echo"},
{"name": "pronouns:", "value": "it/its, “that one”, most neopronouns okay"},
{"name": "orientation:", "value": "aroace"}
"name": "Corona",
"featured": true,
"mainPronouns": "they/she",
"bioShort": "I'm sort of the system protector, but in lieu of something to protect against I'm usually the one planning for the future",
"bioContinued": "I'm developing a reputation for being the grumpy one, but I promise I *usually* don't bite\n\n",
"readMore": "Get to know me",
"color": "#7a81be",
"bioFields": [
{"name": "Names:", "value": "Corona (previously known as Harrow)"},
{"name": "Pronouns:", "value": "she/her or they/them with equal preference"},
{"name": "Orientation", "value": "Indeterminate"}