use std::{collections::HashMap, num::NonZeroUsize, str::FromStr, time::Duration}; use tokio::{sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender}, time::{Sleep,sleep}}; use futures::future::join_all; use twilight_gateway::MessageSender; use twilight_http::Client; use twilight_model::{channel::{message::MessageType, Message}, gateway::{payload::outgoing::{update_presence::UpdatePresencePayload, UpdatePresence}, presence::Status, OpCode}, id::{Id, marker::{ChannelMarker, MessageMarker, UserMarker}}}; use twilight_model::util::Timestamp; use twilight_model::http::attachment::Attachment; use crate::{config::{AutoproxyConfig, Member, MemberName}, listener::{Listener, ClientEvent}}; pub struct System { pub name: String, pub config: crate::config::System, pub message_dedup_cache: lru::LruCache, Timestamp>, pub clients: HashMap, pub latch_state: Option<(Member, Timestamp)>, pub channel: (Sender, Receiver), pub autoproxy_timeout: Option, pub gateway_channels: HashMap, } impl System { pub fn new(system_name: String, system_config: crate::config::System) -> Self { System { name: system_name, config: system_config, message_dedup_cache: lru::LruCache::new(NonZeroUsize::new(100).unwrap()), clients: HashMap::new(), latch_state: None, autoproxy_timeout: None, channel: channel::(100), gateway_channels: HashMap::new(), } } pub async fn start_clients(&mut self) { println!("Starting clients for system {}",; let reference_user_id : Id = Id::from_str(self.config.reference_user_id.as_str()) .expect(format!("Invalid user ID: {}", self.config.reference_user_id).as_str()); for member in self.config.members.iter() { let client = twilight_http::Client::new(member.discord_token.clone()); self.clients.insert(, client); let tx =; let member = member.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut listener = Listener::new(member, reference_user_id); listener.start_listening(tx).await; }); } loop { match { Some(event) => match event { ClientEvent::Ready { client_name, send_channel } => { self.gateway_channels.insert(client_name, send_channel); }, ClientEvent::Message { event_time, message } => { if self.is_new_message(, event_time) { self.handle_message(message, event_time).await; } }, ClientEvent::Error(_err) => { println!("Client ran into an error for system {}",; return }, ClientEvent::AutoproxyTimeout { last_message } => { if let Some(current_last_message) = self.autoproxy_timeout { if current_last_message == last_message { self.latch_state = None; self.update_presence().await; } } }, }, None => { return }, } } } fn is_new_message(&mut self, message_id: Id, timestamp: Timestamp) -> bool { let last_seen_timestamp = self.message_dedup_cache.get(&message_id); let current_timestamp = timestamp; if last_seen_timestamp.is_none() || last_seen_timestamp.unwrap().as_micros() < current_timestamp.as_micros() { self.message_dedup_cache.put(message_id, timestamp); true } else { false } } async fn handle_message(&mut self, message: Message, timestamp: Timestamp) { // TODO: Commands // Escape sequence if message.content.starts_with(r"\") { if message.content == r"\\" { let client = if let Some((current_member, _)) = self.latch_state.clone() { self.clients.get(¤!("No client for member {}", } else { self.clients.iter().next().expect("No clients!").1 }; client.delete_message(message.channel_id,"Could not delete message"); self.latch_state = None } else if message.content.starts_with(r"\\") { self.latch_state = None; } return } // TODO: Non-latching prefixes maybe? // Check for prefix let match_prefix = self.config.members.iter().find_map(|member| Some((member, member.matches_proxy_prefix(&message)?))); if let Some((member, matched_content)) = match_prefix { self.proxy_message(&message, member, matched_content).await; self.update_autoproxy_state_after_message(member.clone(), timestamp); self.update_presence().await; return } // Check for autoproxy if let Some(autoproxy_config) = &self.config.autoproxy { match autoproxy_config { AutoproxyConfig::Member {name} => { let member = self.config.members.iter().find(|member| == *name).expect("Invalid autoproxy member name"); self.proxy_message(&message, member, message.content.as_str()).await; }, // TODO: Do something with the latch scope // TODO: Do something with presence setting AutoproxyConfig::Latch { scope, timeout_seconds, presence_indicator } => { if let Some((member, last_timestamp)) = &self.latch_state { let time_since_last = timestamp.as_secs() - last_timestamp.as_secs(); if time_since_last <= (*timeout_seconds).into() { self.proxy_message(&message, &member, message.content.as_str()).await; self.latch_state = Some((member.clone(), timestamp)); self.update_presence().await; } } }, } } } async fn proxy_message(&self, message: &Message, member: &Member, content: &str) { let client = self.clients.get(&"No client for member"); if let Ok(_) = self.duplicate_message(message, client, content).await { client.delete_message(message.channel_id,"Could not delete message"); } } async fn duplicate_message(&self, message: &Message, client: &Client, content: &str) -> Result { let mut create_message = client.create_message(message.channel_id) .content(content)?; if message.kind == MessageType::Reply { create_message = create_message.reply( message.referenced_message.as_ref().expect("Message was reply but no referenced message").id ); } let attachments = join_all(message.attachments.iter().map(|attachment| async { let filename = attachment.filename.clone(); let description = attachment.description.clone(); let bytes = reqwest::get(attachment.proxy_url.clone()).await?.bytes().await?; // TODO: keep description Ok(Attachment::from_bytes(filename, bytes.try_into().unwrap(), })).await.iter().filter_map(|result: &Result| match result { Ok(attachment) => Some(attachment.clone()), Err(_) => None, }).collect::>(); if attachments.len() > 0 { create_message = create_message.attachments(attachments.as_slice())?; } let new_message = create_message.await?.model().await?; Ok(new_message) } fn update_autoproxy_state_after_message(&mut self, member: Member, timestamp: Timestamp) { match &self.config.autoproxy { None => (), Some(AutoproxyConfig::Member { name }) => (), Some(AutoproxyConfig::Latch { scope, timeout_seconds, presence_indicator }) => { self.latch_state = Some((member.clone(), timestamp)); self.autoproxy_timeout = Some(timestamp); let tx =; let last_message = timestamp.clone(); let timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { sleep(Duration::from_secs(timeout_seconds.into())).await; tx.send(ClientEvent::AutoproxyTimeout { last_message }) .await.expect("Channel has closed"); }); } } } async fn update_presence(&mut self) { match &self.config.autoproxy { None => (), Some(AutoproxyConfig::Member { name }) => { for member in &self.config.members { let gateway_channel = self.gateway_channels.get(&"No gateway shard for member"); println!("Updating {} to {}",, if == *name { "online" } else { "offline" }); gateway_channel.command(&UpdatePresence { d: UpdatePresencePayload { activities: Vec::new(), afk: false, since: None, status: if == *name { Status::Online } else { Status::Invisible }, }, op: OpCode::PresenceUpdate, }).expect("Could not send command to gateway"); } }, Some(AutoproxyConfig::Latch { scope, timeout_seconds, presence_indicator }) => { if let Some((member, last_timestamp)) = &self.latch_state { let name = &; for member in &self.config.members { let gateway_channel = self.gateway_channels.get(&"No gateway shard for member"); println!("Updating {} to {}",, if == *name { "online" } else { "offline" }); gateway_channel.command(&UpdatePresence { d: UpdatePresencePayload { activities: Vec::new(), afk: false, since: None, status: if == *name { Status::Online } else { Status::Invisible }, }, op: OpCode::PresenceUpdate, }).expect("Could not send command to gateway"); } } else { for member in &self.config.members { let gateway_channel = self.gateway_channels.get(&"No gateway shard for member"); println!("Updating {} to offline",; gateway_channel.command(&UpdatePresence { d: UpdatePresencePayload { activities: Vec::new(), afk: false, since: None, status: Status::Invisible, }, op: OpCode::PresenceUpdate, }).expect("Could not send command to gateway"); } } } } } } impl crate::config::Member { pub fn matches_proxy_prefix<'a>(&self, message: &'a Message) -> Option<&'a str> { match self.message_pattern.captures(message.content.as_str()) { None => None, Some(captures) => { let full_match = captures.get(0).unwrap(); if full_match.len() != message.content.len() { return None } match"content") { None => None, Some(matched_content) => Some(matched_content.as_str()), } } } } } enum MessageDuplicateError { MessageValidation(twilight_validate::message::MessageValidationError), AttachmentRequest(reqwest::Error), MessageCreate(twilight_http::error::Error), ResponseDeserialization(twilight_http::response::DeserializeBodyError) } impl From for MessageDuplicateError { fn from(value: twilight_validate::message::MessageValidationError) -> Self { MessageDuplicateError::MessageValidation(value) } } impl From for MessageDuplicateError { fn from(value: reqwest::Error) -> Self { MessageDuplicateError::AttachmentRequest(value) } } impl From for MessageDuplicateError { fn from(value: twilight_http::error::Error) -> Self { MessageDuplicateError::MessageCreate(value) } } impl From for MessageDuplicateError { fn from(value: twilight_http::response::DeserializeBodyError) -> Self { MessageDuplicateError::ResponseDeserialization(value) } }