This is a supplemental page to our main about page - specifically for us to post in plural spaces or to use to explain to people we trust
So far as we can tell, our split happened near the end of February 2023, on the day we received news of a family member's death. The part of us now known as Dawn got overwhelmed, and withdrew from consciousness to recover
Her part of the brain had been the primary driver for some time, so the shock of abruptly losing her presence split what remained into two. One of those (now Rose) set about making sure the body was cared for and that our work constraints were satisfied for the day, and the other (now Ash) started to try and make sense of what had happened to our mind
Since that initial shock, we have started to blend again. While there is still separation between parts, we share a single point of consciousness, and generally work together in something of an approximation of how we were before. Still kind of exploring what our new normal is, and whether things will change more from here
The self-styled "librarian" of the system, Ash is the part of us that has taken on the bulk of the observation, journaling, and thinking through ramifications of what happened since our split. It has best connection to memory of all of us, and seems to have ended up with most of the inclination for tradition and faith as well
Ash was also the likely source of our names, as its early observations of 'how many distinct parts of us are there, what do they all do' were made significantly easier by naming us
As primary decision maker and the one who ended up with most of our skill in coding / abstract thinking, if you were to ask "hey who's most present" at any random time during the day it's probably them. Rose also seems to carry most of our skills for writing
Rose handles most of our direct day-to-day needs such as eating, doing work, and driving around to do errands
The emotional core of our system, Dawn is the part who kept most of the connection to our relationships. She is the girlfriend, the parent, and the daughter. She is also the part that shouldered most of our grief, both leading up to our split and since then
Dawn is also the one who carries out most of our conversations, although as mentioned before if we have enough time to put much thought into a message (rather than just treating it the same as speaking) Rose takes care of that