@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ local fillEnv --function(proc:thread, env:table):() -- given a process and an em
-- _G (through envBase) is used as the base for process environments, so clear it of anything process-specific
envBase._OSVERSION = 'kitn 0.1.0' --prefer [openloader, openos] "$name $ver" over plan9k "$name/$ver"
envBase._OSVERSION = 'kitn 0.1.1' --prefer [openloader, openos] "$name $ver" over plan9k "$name/$ver"
envBase._G, envBase.load = nil
envBase.coroutine.resume = function(co, ...)
checkArg(1, co, 'thread')
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ end
--logic after co_resume(process, ...) returns, in its own function to use varargs instead of table.pack
local function postResume(co, ok, reason, ...)
if co_status(co) == 'dead' then
processes[co], runnable[co], schedDeadline[co], schedSignal[co] = nil
processes[co], schedDeadline[co], schedSignal[co] = nil
--TODO bubble to parent process
--tostring could run userspace code and even yield, but at this point we're crashing so it doesn't matter
@ -237,10 +237,26 @@ end
--goto instead of while-true for vague feeling of performance (TODO benchmark this)
--clear the run queue
--[[clear the run queue
this is a delicate formulation. if proc creates new threads, those are added as new keys to runnable, which
makes next's behavior undefined*; removing proc before resuming causes the next loop iteration to crash with
"invalid key to 'next'". unconditionally removing proc after is also wrong, because proc may have rescheduled
itself immediately. instead we assign proc a value it should never have (false) before, test if it's still set
to that value after, and remove it if so.
the outer loop is for the occasional case that some of the child processes end up before their parent in next's
order and so wouldn't be resumed until after another signal was pulled otherwise.
*is this c-like ub that can cause memory corruption and segfaults? the manual doesn't say! (TODO make this not ub)
while next(runnable) do
for proc, args in pairs(runnable) do
runnable[proc] = nil --the process is no longer runnable, unless it reschedules itself
runnable[proc] = false
postResume(proc, kresume(proc, unpack(args, 1, args.n)))
if not runnable[proc] then
runnable[proc] = nil
local deadline = nil