add a kernel that can run code in userspace

cinder 7 months ago
parent ff3f9c666f
commit ca37976828

@ -70,23 +70,69 @@ local function exportFile(srcpath, dstpath)
dstpath = outdir .. srcpath dstpath = outdir .. srcpath
end end
local srcf = assert( local srcf = assert(
--load the file to validate syntax, as a very minimal linter
local ok, err = loadfile(srcpath)
if not ok then
stderr:write(err, '\n')
local dstf = assert(, 'w')) local dstf = assert(, 'w'))
--for now, run a very minimal minifier --for now, run a very minimal minifier
local longEnd --nil normally, some "]==]--" string if we're in a long comment
for line in srcf:lines() do for line in srcf:lines() do
local comment = line:find('--', nil, true) ::stripComments:: --strip comments, including weird ones like "--[[ ]]-- --[=[ ]=]-- --text" all in one line
if comment then --first, if we're in a long comment, see if that's over
assert(line:sub(comment, comment + 3) ~= '--[', 'TODO block comments') if longEnd then
local i1, i2 = line:find(longEnd, 1, true)
if i1 then
--strip the long comment and mark that it ended
line = line:sub(i2+1)
longEnd = nil
--still in a long comment, so don't output anything
goto nextLine
--look for the start of the next comment
local comment = line:find('--', 1, true)
if not comment then --nothing left to do, break out of the loop
goto emitLine
if line:byte(comment+2) == string.byte('[') then --start of a long comment
local depth = #line:sub(comment+2):match('^%[(%=*)%[') --validating syntax earlier ensures this will match
longEnd = string.format(']%s]--', string.rep('=', depth))
line = line:sub(comment + 4 + depth) -- #'--[' + depth + #'['
goto stripComments --start from the beginning in case the comment ends on the same line it starts on
--found a short comment, remove to end of line
line = line:sub(1, comment - 1) line = line:sub(1, comment - 1)
end end
line = assert(line:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$'))
assert(not longEnd, 'shouldn\'t emit anything in a long comment')
line = assert(line:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')) --strip leading and trailing whitespace
if #line > 0 then if #line > 0 then
dstf:write(line, '\n') dstf:write(line, '\n')
end end
end end
assert(not longEnd, 'unclosed long comment')
end end
fs.makeDirectory(outdir) fs.makeDirectory(outdir)
exportFile('boot.lua') exportFile('boot.lua')
fs.makeDirectory(outdir .. 'kitn-core/')
exportFile('src/init.lua', outdir .. 'kitn-core/init.lua')
-- vi: set ts=2: -- vi: set ts=2:

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
--our own boot.lua gives us the boot [address, path] as arguments...
local bootfs = ...
-- ...but [lua bios, openloader] don't, so fall back to the usual way
bootfs = bootfs or computer.getBootAddress()
--store all functions we need in locals so userspace mischief can't replace them
--suffix 'K' (for kernel) on any functions userspace will also have a version of to ensure kernelspace
--function usage is intentional (ie prevent accidentally using the kernel's `load` in a userspace `loadfile`)
local envBase = _G --used for creating process environments
local assert, checkArg, error, loadK, ipairs, next, pairs, rawequal, rawset, setmetatable, tostring, type = assert, checkArg, error, load, ipairs, next, pairs, rawequal, rawset, setmetatable, tostring, type
local invoke = component.invoke
local pullSignalK, shutdown, uptime = computer.pullSignal, computer.shutdown, computer.uptime
local co_create, co_status, co_resumeK, co_yieldK = coroutine.create, coroutine.status, coroutine.resume, coroutine.yield
local huge = math.huge
local format = string.format
local pack, unpack = table.pack, table.unpack
local big = math.maxinteger or huge --some large amount to read at once in readfileK
--completely disable the environment, ensuring the kernel only uses local variables, to prevent userspace
--mischief (somehow editing _G through a mirror) from affecting kernelspace
_ENV = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(self, key) return error(format('accessed global %q', key), 2) end,
__newindex = function(self, key) return error(format('assigned global %q', key), 2) end,
local function readfileK(path, fs)
fs = fs or bootfs
local text, chunk, fd, err = '', nil, invoke(fs, 'open', path)
if not fd then
local msg = format('can\'t open %s on %s', path, fs:sub(1, 3))
if not rawequal(path, err) then msg = msg .. ': ' .. err end
return nil, msg
chunk, err = invoke(fs, 'read', fd, big)
text = text .. (chunk or '')
until not chunk
invoke(fs, 'close', fd)
if err then return nil, format('reading %s: %s', path, err) end
return text
--[=====[ process internals ]=====]--
local processes = {} --key is thread, value is a table of process state (ie env)
local fillEnv --function(process:thread, env:table):() -- given a process and an empty environment, fill it in before the process runs
--[=====[ process environments ]=====]--
-- _G (through envBase) is used as the base for process environments, so clear it of anything process-specific
envBase._OSVERSION = 'kitn 0.0.0' --prefer [openloader, openos] "$name $ver" over plan9k "$name/$ver"
envBase._G, envBase.load, envBase.coroutine.resume, envBase.coroutine.yield, = nil
--environment sandboxing uses mirrors: tables that provide a read-only "reflection" of what's on the other side
local mirror --function(target:table[, mirror:table]):table -- create a mirror (or make a table into one) that reflects `target`
local mirrors = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' }) --key is mirror given to userspace, value is what it mirrors
local function mirrorNext(self, prev)
local reflected = assert(mirrors[self], 'mirror reflects nothing')
local key = next(reflected, prev)
return key, self[key] --ensure all accesses go through the mirror so table values are mirrored too
local mirrormt = {
__metatable = '<mirror>', --hide the metatable to prevent replacing or modifying it
__index = function(self, key)
local reflected = assert(mirrors[self], 'mirror reflects nothing')
local val = reflected[key] --if mirrors[self] is somehow nil, erroring is fine
if type(val) == 'table' then val = mirror(val) end --recursively mirror tables on first access
if val ~= nil then rawset(self, key, val) end
return val
__pairs = function(self)
--reuse a single function with the mirror as the control variable, instead of creating a new function with
--upvalues every time, because that seems vaguely less memory-intensive (TODO benchmark that)
return mirrorNext, self
--mirrors allow assignment but don't do anything with it
function mirror(target, mirror)
mirror = mirror or {}
mirrors[mirror] = target
setmetatable(mirror, mirrormt)
return mirror
function fillEnv(process, env)
mirror(envBase, env)
local function env_load(chunk, name, mode, fenv)
checkArg(1, chunk, 'function', 'string')
checkArg(2, name, 'string', 'nil')
checkArg(3, mode, 'string', 'nil')
checkArg(4, fenv, 'table', 'nil')
return loadK(chunk, name, mode, fenv or env)
local function env_loadfile(path, mode, fenv)
checkArg(1, path, 'string')
checkArg(2, mode, 'string', 'nil')
checkArg(3, newenv, 'table', 'nil')
local code, err = readfileK(path)
if not code then return nil, err end
code, err = env_load(code, '@' .. path, mode, fenv)
return code, err
local function env_dofile(path, ...)
checkArg(1, path, 'string')
local fn = assert(env_loadfile(path))
return fn(...)
env.load, env.loadfile, env.dofile = env_load, env_loadfile, env_dofile
env.coroutine = mirror(envBase.coroutine, {
resume = function(co, ...)
local results = pack(co_resume(co, ...)) --ok, os_reason, ...
if results[1] and results[2] then
return co_yieldK(unpack(results, 2, results.n))
return unpack(results, 1, results.n)
yield = function(...) return co_yieldK(false, ...) end,
env.os = mirror(envBase.os, {
sleep = function(n)
checkArg(1, n, 'number')
return co_yieldK('deadline', n)
}) = mirror(, {
pullSignal = function(timeout)
checkArg(1, timeout, 'number', 'nil')
return co_yieldK('signal', timeout)
--[=====[ scheduler ]=====]--
local runnable = {} --key is thread, value is pack(...)ed args to resume it with
local schedDeadline = {} --key is thread, value is absolute deadline of uptime()
local schedSignal = {} --key is thread, value is `true` (may allow specific signal names in the future)
--[=====[ init, pid 1 ]=====]--
local initEnv = {}
--since init is intended to be configured per-computer, it lives in /etc
local initPath = '/etc/init.lua'
local initCode = assert(readfileK(initPath))
local initFn = assert(loadK(initCode, '@' .. initPath, 'bt', initEnv))
fillEnv(initFn, initEnv)
local initThread = co_create(initFn)
processes[initThread] = { env = initEnv }
runnable[initThread] = { initPath, n = 1 }
--[=====[ scheduler main loop ]=====]--
--logic after co_resume(process, ...) returns, in its own function to use varargs instead of table.pack
local function postResume(co, ok, reason, ...)
if co_status(co) == 'dead' then
processes[co], runnable[co], schedDeadline[co], schedSignal[co] = nil
--TODO bubble to parent process
--tostring could run userspace code and even yield, but at this point we're crashing so it doesn't matter
if not ok then error('process crashed: ' .. tostring(reason), 0) end
elseif not reason then
--userspace called coroutine.yield(); TODO figure out what that's supposed to do
--for now... yield until another process resumes it?
schedDeadline[co], schedSignal[co] = nil
elseif rawequal(reason, 'signal') then
local timeout = ...
schedDeadline[co] = timeout and (uptime() + timeout)
schedSignal[co] = true
elseif rawequal(reason, 'deadline') then
local timeout = ...
schedDeadline[co] = uptime() + timeout
schedSignal[co] = nil
--logic after pullSignalK returns, in its own function to use varargs instead of table.pack
local function postPull(signal, ...)
local args = pack(nil)
for proc, deadline in pairs(schedDeadline) do
if uptime() >= deadline then
schedDeadline[proc] = nil
runnable[proc] = args
--intentionally override {resumed by deadline} with {resumed by signal}
if signal then
args = pack(signal, ...)
for proc in pairs(schedSignal) do
schedDeadline[proc], schedSignal[proc] = nil
runnable[proc] = args
--goto instead of while-true for vague performance
--clear the run queue
for proc, args in pairs(runnable) do
runnable[proc] = nil --the process is no longer runnable, unless it reschedules itself
postResume(proc, co_resumeK(proc, unpack(args, 1, args.n)))
local deadline = nil
for proc, pdeadline in pairs(schedDeadline) do
if not deadline or pdeadline < deadline then
deadline = pdeadline
if next(schedSignal) then
deadline = deadline or huge
if not deadline then
--no processes are scheduled? are any still runnable somehow?
if next(runnable) then
--tail-return early to jump back to the run queue
goto tickScheduler
--nothing scheduled, nothing runnable; have all processes exited?
if not next(processes) then
return shutdown()
--this seems like a deadlock; the scheduler will never resume any process again
error('all processes are idle', 0)
--`deadline` is set, so at least one process is waiting for a deadline or signal
postPull(pullSignalK(deadline - uptime()))
--then do it again
goto tickScheduler
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